Social Watch Report 2010




The international Social Watch network published its Social Watch Report 2010 just in time for the UN Summit on the Millennium Goals at the end of September. It addresses the various impacts of the global crises and the responses to them. Alliance Sud contributed the chapter on Switzerland.

Social Watch ReportThe report documents how governments are falling short in their commitment to eradicate poverty and achieve gender equity through the testimony of civil society groups in more than 60 countries.

This annual report is published since 1996 by Social Watch, an international NGO watchdog network monitoring government compliance with their international commitments. The Report 2010 contains statistics, country reports and thematic reports on the social impacts of the financial and economic crisis, on the climate policy, MDGs etc. It shows that poverty reduction has globally slowed down since 2000. It concludes that a comprehensive redefinition of our approach to development is needed.

Social Watch Report 2010. After the Fall. Time for a New Deal. Montevideo 2010. pp. 186, CHF 20.– plus shipping.

Available as download at: Swiss Chapter

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