Social Watch en el FSM 2015 en Túnez

La mejor solidaridad con la sociedad tunecina, agredida por recientes atentados, es mantener las actividades previstas en el marco del Foro Social Mundial, sostiene la red internacional Social Watch. El FSM tendrá lugar del 24 al 28 de marzo en Túnez y Social Watch, junto a otras organizaciones, resolvió no suspender ninguna de las actividades que está co-auspiciando.

Estas reuniones brindarán la oportunidad de revisar y reconsiderar los desafíos del un nuevo marco de desarrollo post 2015; la preparación de la cumbre sobre financiamiento para el desarrollo, así como los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los países árabes con la democratización iniciada, precisamente en Túnez, por la primavera árabe.

Goals for the Rich
Miércoles 25 de Marzo - 8:30-11:00 am
"Faculté de droits, Salle de Conférence"
Organizada por: Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Social Watch, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Third World Network (TWN), Global Policy Forum (GPF).
The “Post-2015” process is currently right in the centre of the development discourse. It is not only about defining what comes after the MDGs, but offers the opportunity to respond to changing global realities, - be in the shift in geopolitical and economic power relations, or urgent global problems, such as accelerating global warming or growing inequalities. Conventional development concepts and their related goals and strategies do not provide adequate answers to these changing conditions and global problems. That is why we need a truly universal Post-2015 Agenda that defines particularly the goals, responsibilities and commitments of rich countries. In order to overcome poverty, inequality and environment degradation, the Post-2015 Agenda must become an “Agenda for the rich” and must include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the rich. The new paper of the Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives discusses how the responsibilities of the rich should be reflected in Post-2015 Agenda and its goals and targets. At the workshop we will present and discuss its key findings.
Ponentes: Ziad Abdel Samad (ANND), Roberto Bissio (Social Watch), Nicole Bidegain (DAWN), Barbara Adams and Jens Martens (Global Policy Forum) and Hubert Schillinger (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)

“PPPs: Good for development? or to open up new markets?
Miércoles 25 de Marzo - 8:30-11:00 am
Room I 210-I 211, Bloc Informatique, Faculté de Sciencies
Organizada por: Alliance Sud, the Tunisian Observatory for the Economy, IBON International, ANND and Social Watch
The new Tunisian parliament is going to discuss a bill that strives to promote public – private partnerships (PPPs) – that is the participation of private capital, local and foreign – in the implementation of all kinds of development projects. It is one of the conditions set by donors to the lending of additional credits to Tunisia. PPPs are very trendy at the international level because they are supposed to compensate the financial shortcomings of Southern countries. But is it up to the private sector to ensure essential State’s functions, among which the delivering of public goods like drinkable water, or basic services like vocational training and health? Isn’t the injection of private capital mainly meant to open up new markets for multinational corporations from the North? Who has to bear the risks bound to the failure of a project? Do all sectors need to be open or do limits need to be set? Experiences up to date are ambiguous and the private sector has not rushed into PPPs. The workshop will discuss this hot topic in Tunisia, in the Arab region and beyond.
Ponentes: Peter Niggli (Alliance Sud); Ziad Abdul Samad (ANND), Mansour Cherni  (UGTT); Does Vandousselaere (Habi Center); Mark Moreno Pascual, IBON (Philippines); Isolda Agazzi (Alliance Sud)


“Organizing an Internet Social Forum – A Call to Occupy the Internet” and for planning towards developing a “People's Internet Manifesto”
Jueves 26 de Marzo -3 pm-5:30 pm
Salle: AMPHI 4
El Foro Social de Internet estará abierto a la participación de todos aquellos que acogen la filosofía y los valores del FSM, y creen que el Internet global debe evolucionar acorde al interés público. Se fundamentará en valores democráticos, de derechos humanos y justicia social. Promoverá la formulación participativa de políticas y el control social sobre las tecnologías sociales, como sucede con el movimiento de los medios comunitarios. Buscará un Internet con una arquitectura realmente descentralizada y basada en el pleno derecho de las personas de tener el control sobre sus datos, información y conocimientos, así como otros bienes comunes que Internet ha permitido que la comunidad mundial genere y comparta. El Foro propone también el lanzamiento de un proceso desde las bases.
El Foro propone también el lanzamiento de un proceso desde las bases para elaborar el Manifiesto del Internet de los Pueblos, involucrando a todos los grupos sociales, comunidades y movimientos interesados en las distintas regiones, a técnicos y actores de las TICs para el desarrollo, a sectores pro democratización de los medios, a los movimientos por la democracia, a organizaciones que luchan por los derechos de las mujeres y a defensores de la justicia social.
Por más información visite:

Securing Accountability and (a just sharing of) responsibility for the Post-2015 agenda
Viernes 27 de Marzo, 2015, 11:30-14:00
Université de Tunis El Manar, Salle de Lecture 5
Organizada por: CIDSE, Social Watch, Ibon and Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), Nigeria
Civil society has put forward and worked hard to defend a vision of a new Post-2015 Agenda that will approach human rights, environmental integrity and the urgency of dealing with climate change in a way that addresses the injustice and inequity inherent in gender, social, political and economic relations at all levels.
As we approach the final phase of agreeing on the framework, there are clear indications that we are further from reaching this vision in the post-2015 agreement than ever before. The role that large corporate actors play in this regard deserves particular attention and serves as the red thread through the many obstacles faced in reaching a just and equitable agreement. Against the backdrop of corporate capture, universality, good governance, an enabling environment and similar concepts have become risk laden. The way they are being used will only serve to perpetuate the unjust distribution of power and resources in the Post-2015 world.
We need to challenge this rhetoric in a way that reveals the discrepancies between aspiration and the real agenda of those with power and influence. By putting the issue of equity at the center of discourse, more emphasis on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility could counter the singular focus on issues that are driven by vested interests, like the socalled global partnership with Corporates, opening countries financial systems to be exploited by private finance in the name of sustainable development, shifting state responsibility for fulfilling international commitments to non-state, unaccountable actors and more.
Ponentes: John Patrick Ngoyi (JDPC), Paul Quintos (IBON), Roberto Bissio (Social Watch), Jean Letitia Saldanha (CIDSE), Moderation: Barbara Adams (Global Policy Forum)

ASAMBLEA DE CONVERGENCIA Agenda Post-2015: ¿qué desarrollo, para quién y para qué?
Viernes 27 de marzo de 2015, 15h-17h30
Sala a confirmar
Organizada por: ATTAC France, Beyond 2015, Enda Tiers-Monde, IBON International, Our World is Not for Sale, Plataforma 2015 y más, RIPESS- Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy, Social Watch.
La Asamblea de Convergencia sobre la agenda de desarrollo post-2015 tiene como objetivo reunir a los movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que deseen compartir sus puntos de vista sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el marco de la Financiación del desarrollo que se están negociando en las Naciones Unidas con el fin de informarnos mutuamente, de compartir nuestros análisis y de proponer acciones comunes. Los ODS post-2015 requieren un cambio de paradigma. ¡Asegurémonos que las voces de los pueblos sean escuchadas para construir economías y sociedades más justas y sostenibles!

