Saad Abdul Wahab Ahmed, activist of Social Watch in Iraq, assasinated

Iraqi Al-Amal Association, the Social Watch member in Iraq, mourns with deep sorrow and anguish, the assassination of one of its activists, Saad Abdul Wahab Ahmed.

Unknown terrorists assassinated our Colleague Saad, with silenced guns in Muqdadiyah, Diyala Provence last Monday 18th August. We extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Iraqi Al-Amal Association has lost a man who dedicated his life to the principles and values of freedom, human rights and justice. He suffered from the blood-thirsty dictatorial regime of Saddam Husain. He was arrested and sentenced to death in 1985 but was released in general amnesty in 1992.

After the regime change in 2003 Saad became the Chairman of the Municipal Council of Muqdadiyah and sought to serve his city with sincerity and dedication. He was, then, detained by the American forces in Boca camp for four years. But, this increased Saad’s determination to work with full energy to achieve his dream of a free Iraq, without terrorism or violence, in order for the people of Iraq to live a dignified life in safety.

During the last two months Saad was forced to flee with his family to Khanaqin because of the increased terrorists operations in Diyala Provence.

Saad Devoted much of his time to visiting the displaced and poor families to comfort them and provide them with their needs. At the start of 2014, Saad volunteered to work on behalf of Iraqi Al-Amal Association in the distribution of humanitarian aid to the orphaned children at schools in Muqdadiyah, Derbendikhan in Sulaymania, as well as displaced families in Kalar.

Saad Abdul Wahab Ahmed, a colleague who was at the height of his contribution in the serving humanity. We demand a full investigation from the security authorities into the assassination of Saad Abdul Wahab Ahmed and the punishment of the perpetrators.

Source: Iraqi Al-Amal Association.

