March 8: Spain 7th out of 154 on gender equality ranking

(ANSAmed) - MADRID, MARCH 8 - Spain has made significant progress on the path to equal opportunities. It has in fact reached seventh place on the gender equality ranking of 154 countries, drafted by the NGO Social Watch, with 81 out of 100 points. The ranking, cited today by the media, sees Norway on first place with 89 points, followed by Finland (88), Iceland (87), Sweden (87) and Denmark (84).

The Social Watch index is published each year. It measures the gap between men and women on a level of education; economic activities, including differences in payment and jobs; and power and political participation. The final list is the result of an average value of disparity in these three aspects, ranked on four levels of equality: critical, very low, low and acceptable.

The ranking shows that a lack of equality cannot always be justified by a lack of resources. The north European countries that top the list are followed by New Zealand (82), Mongolia and Spain (81), all with an average gender equality index. The five countries with the widest gap between the sexes are the Republic of Congo (29), Niger (26), Chad (25), Yemen (24) and Afghanistan (15), all with critical levels of equality. Countries like Mongolia (81), Ruanda (77), The Philippines (76) and Nicaragua (74) have reached high levels of gender equality despite the fact that many men and women are living in poverty in these countries. (ANSAmed).