Strathcona refinery in Vancouver.
(Photo: Imperial Oil)

Greenhouse gas emissions embodied in Canadian exports of fossil fuels in 2009 were 15% greater than the emissions from all fossil fuel combustion within that North American country, and almost four times the emissions from extracting and processing fossil fuels in its territory, according to a study released this week by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).

The Independent Coalition for
Elections Observation is
supported by EACPE.

Egypt is holding the first phase of the parliamentary elections since Monday, in spite of the claims and recommendations to postpone them issued by political parties and civil society organizations, among them the Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement (EACPE), focal point of Social Watch in this country.

Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan.
(Photo: UN News Centre)

The European Union (EU) must support the people of Eritrea after the government of that African country decided to terminate its ongoing EU aid programmes, said Mirjam van Reisen, chair of International Social Responsibility at Tilburg University and director of Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA). 

Oil rig in the middle of Baku,
(Photo: Robert Thomson/Flickr)

The economic growth driven by extractive industries as its main motor, led by increasing commodity prices, “is not benefitting the majorities” of the population of developing countries, according to the Social Watch Report 2012, that will be launched in the middle of December in New York.

South-South cooperation can be conducive to the emergence of an effective and stronger State in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), according to UNCTAD´s most recent report, which proposes a new type of developmental State for LDCs --one that is more appropriate to the specific vulnerabilities and the structural constraints of LDCs.



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