World Social Forum 2011 in Senegal

The International Council of the World Social Forum met in Dakar and discussed the organization and program of the next WSF that takes place in Senegal, 6-11 February 2011. Social Watch will organize several activities including the presentation of the 2010 Report in French and Arabic. Learn more on how to participate in the WSF.

The preparation of the WSF in Dakar, much more than what happened in Nairobi, is involving many different African organizations and movements - diverse both geographically and socio-political. Over the past two years many African countries have held social forums in their territory.

In the changing international scenario, the South-South relations between Africa, Latin America and Asia is the focus of the African Committee. Several forums were held in the Middle East, including the one on Education in Palestine.

Dakar will therefore be a good opportunity to initiate or strengthen links and relationships with a large part of global civil society, to promote or strengthen networks and to launch campaigns and international actions.

The Forum will be held at the University of Dakar. Most of the campus will be used and some tents will be built in open spaces. 

The logistical details, as well as the services that the Organizing Committee is preparing for the Forum should be available soon on the WSF2011 website. 


4-5 February 
In these days before the Forum there will be several initiatives linked to Forum taking place:
- Assembly of the World Charter of Migrants, to be held on the island of Gore (twenty minutes by ferry from Dakar), the symbol of the African slave trade
- Forum of Local Authorities and the Forum of Parliamentarians
- Forum on Science and Democracy

6 February 
Arrival of several Caravans of Forum participants from different parts of Africa, which will mobilize people along the way, visiting many towns
- Opening March

7 February
Africa and Diaspora Day
The day will be dedicated to initiatives and events on the resistance of the African diaspora, ancient and "modern"

8-9 February
Days of self-organized activities
In these two days the classic social forum activities registered from different organizations (seminars, meetings, cultural events) will take place, along the 12 main axes of the Forum

10-11 February 
In session for action.
Assemblies will be registered by the participants: the difference with the first two days is that the assemblies are to promote convergence of different type of actions (campaigns, demonstrations, discussion networks, alliances) connecting organizations.

11 February afternoon
Final assembly of the Forum, where the various assemblies will promote their agendas of action agreed at meetings in the days before

12-13 February 
WSF International Council - initial evaluation of the Forum and decide next steps. 

It will also be possible to register the activities for the Dakar Forum that can be held anywhere in the world in the days of the Forum.

These activities are registered in a specific form and will be advertised in the program and can, if they wish, establish a direct connection via the Internet (video and audio conferences) with the Forum. Groups to help organize such events are already in place here see

All organizations are encouraged to support in any way possible, the journey of African migrants to their participation in the Forum.

More information at:

