EP Hearing on the Green Paper, the DCI and China and Launch SW Report 2010

Mr Gay Mitchell MEP, Eurostep and Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA) would like to invite you to a hearing at the European Parliament on The Green Paper, the DCI and China. The hearing comes at a moment where the EU is re-assessing its future development cooperation and funding mechanisms beyond 2015 for the period 2014 - 2020.

The hearing will be chaired by Simon Stocker from Eurostep.

Speakers include:

Roberto Bissio, Social Watch

Arjun Karki, LDC Watch

Olivier Consolo, Concord

Denise Auclair, CIDSE

Barbara Specht, WIDE

Pramesh Kumar Hamal, Embassy of Nepal

Himanshu Jha, NSWC India

Lara Oliveira, Researcher

European Commission

If you are interested in participating in the hearing, please send your contact details to Irene Vallentinuzzi ivallentinuzzi@eepa.be and Alexander Harvey aharvey@eepa.be or call +32 2 238 50 53, by Monday 15th November.

If you require a security pass for the European Parliament please contact us by Friday 12th November latest.

Date & Time: 17 November 2010, 13:30-15:00


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