SOS APPEAL FROM BAHRAIN - Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Bahrain , appeal for help in face of mass systematic murder against the unarmed people of Bahrain, demanding legitimate rights for democratic system which respects its rights Bahrain has been witnessing mass attacks by the riot police , armed militia, and lately Bahraini Armed forces and Saudi-Gulf Forces, against the protesters and civilian people and areas in the Shia area in the capital Manama, Muhraq , Sitra , Hamad Town most of Northern and Middle Region along Budia Road.

This was culminated with mass attack against Sitra island on Tue. 15 which left 3 killed and hundreds were wounded . The dawn of Wed. 16, witnessed sweeping attack against LULU circle ( Martyr Sq. ) , where in addition to riot police , Bahraini and Saudi armed forces participated using fire arms of all kinds , while 6 Apatchi copters roamed skies in intimidation.

In both days ambulances from central Salmannia hospital were preventd from taking causalities , and staffs were assaulted. In Sitra, the Local Medical Center was besieged and attacked by the militia. In Lulu Circle, close to Slamanya, ambulances were barred , Salmanya hospital was besieged and then broken through by riot police, in order to arrest the wounded. Electricity was cut off the Lulu Circle , all surrounding area and Salmanya hospital . Mobile service was cut off all northern region of Bahrain till 10am .

The attcks against Shia residential areas are continuing by riot police and armed militias.

The Bahraini government along with Saudi and Emirates governments are responsible for these massacres .The Saudi-Emirites forces are occupying forces .

We appeal to The Security Council, The UN , The Arab Leauge , the international community , to curb the attackers and to end this massacre. States with leverage to Bahrain government , shoul intervene directly.

Relief agencies such as ICRC , MSF , Arab and international red crescent and cross should intervene to break the siege of hospitals and assaults against medical staff.

The Bahraini Civil Society Organizations Bahrain 16th March. 2011

