New Social Watch publication: Learning from Successful Experiences

Learning from Successful Experiences – Summary of the Analysis of Four Case Studies from the Social Watch National Coalitions, a qualitative study of successful factors and best practices of four different Social Watch coalitions, is now available on the Social Watch website.  This publication was developed as part of the European-Union funded project “Promoting Social Development – Building Capacities of Social Watch Coalitions”, and aims to facilitate the sharing of experiences, know-how transfer and capacity-building of national groups within the global Social Watch network. In particular, the study analyses the history, structure, and initiatives of the Social Watch coalitions in Benin, Brazil, Germany and the Philippines, taking in to account five key aspects related to the relevance, efficiency and sustainability, effectiveness, strategy and impact, and coherence of these coalitions and their work.  The report´s findings conclude that trust, flexibility, mutual respect, and a strong commitment to common objectives are important factors related to the success and sustainability of Social Watch national coalitions, and that these coalitions work best when they do not duplicate the work of the member organizations, but instead provide a broad-based platform for the shaping of new initiatives related to the promotion of public policy aimed at ending poverty and gender discrimination.


To download the report, go to: