Bad governance and corruption frustrate achievement of MDGs
The government of Uganda has established national strategies and plans to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and has continuously allocated resources to those schemes. Unfortunately, governance weaknesses against corruption have hampered the progresses. Only three out of the eight MDGs may be reached by 2015. The other goals would be missed due to stagnation or regression, particularly in sectors where corruption is highly concentrated and losses or misappropriations of public funds are endemic.
Published on Mon, 2013-01-28 18:03
Aunque el gobierno de Uganda ha asignado recursos continuamente para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), los fracasos en la lucha contra la corrupción enlentecen los progresos, escribió David Obot, investigador del Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) y autor de la contribución nacional al Informe Social Watch 2013. Para 2015, Uganda podría lograr tres de los ocho ODM. Los otros cinco no se cumplirán, en particular los relacionados con los sectores donde la corrupción es muy fuerte. |