Winning the Numbers, Losing the War: The Other MDG Report 2010
Table des matières
- Acknowledgment (pdf)
- Key to Acronyms (pdf)
- About the Authors
- Foreword
- An urgent MDG message: Inadequate funding places MDGs at risk
- MDG chances: stability and vulnerability
- Losing the war on poverty: The Other MDG10 Report
- On poverty, hunger and employment: Off-track but not without hope
- Crossroads: Marginalization versus achieving universal primary education by 2015
- Filipino women in the lead-up to the 2015 MDG deadline
- From 2010 and beyond: children should live past age 5
- Improve maternal health: a move towards universalizing health care
- The rising challenge of HIV/AIDS and other diseases
- Not much time, but not without options: A review of the Philippines’ progress on achieving the MDG on environment sustainability
- Trade, debt and aid: MDG retardants
- The Bangsamoro Outlook on the Millennium Development Goals
- Updated Official List of MDG Indicators