India: Gujarat Assembly work reviewed on “Vidhan Tantra-Aam Aadmi Ni Najre”

Gujarat Social Watch has come up with study and analysis of the works of this Indian state Legislative Assembly-10th session of 12th assembly, as the elections are due in December this year. The book “Vidhantantra-Am Adami Ni Najare” is an effort to promote public engagement and improve accessibility and accountability to the members of this parliamentary body.

As the state assembly elections are due in December this year, Gujarat Social Watch has tried to analyze the work and participation of elected representatives in the legislative organ.

“A democratic government is one that is representative, transparent, accessible, accountable, and effective. It’s not just the duty of being a citizen to exercise voting rights: it’s also important to keep accountability of the elected representative,” remarks the state chapter of Social Watch India.

“Our role as active citizens does not end after we cast our ballots; we must be continually engaged in public affairs so that the government can be aware of and respond to our needs,” the organization adds.

The book was inaugurated by Dr. Sudarshan Iyengar, Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Vidhyapith. Mr. Gagan Sethi, Janvikas welcomed the guests and participants to the launching ceremony and provided more details about the review. Economist Rohit Sukla and socialist leader Mr. Ghanshyam Shah also expressed their views about the book.

About 75 people from all cross-sections of the society including academician, veteran Gandhian leaders, and individuals from media, voluntary sector, and bussiness houses were also present.

Mr. Mahesh Pandya (Director of Paryavaran Mitra and Coordinator of Gujarat Social Watch) gave a presentation on the analysis done on 10th session of 12th Gujarat assembly. Mr. Kirit  Parmar of  Unnati proposed the vote of thanks to all the participants.

Gujarat Social Watch

