Social Watch E-Newsletter - Issue 238 - October 30, 2015

Issue 238 - October 30, 2015

Look at the World through Thai Women's Eyes


Twenty years have passed since the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. Then, a parallel NGO Forum—entitled “Look at the World through Women’s Eyes”—was also held during the official conference. Over ten thousands of women from all over the world, including over 70 women from Thailand, participated. It was also the first time that Thai women at grassroots level took part in an international conference.
Many of these participating Thai women were very excited to find out that so many groups of women from different corners of the world shared common problems. The difficulties that affected women ranged from domestic violence to structural violence in society. For instance, poverty, conflict over resources, destruction of natural resources and the environment, changing pattern of women’s work, massive lay-offs, subcontraction of homeworking, and the informalization of formal labour sector. Several issues were new to the Thai women’s movement, such as economic globalization, structural adjustment programme, or certain significant but distant topics like peace and human security, militarization and arms trade. Read more


Ten Eritrean footballers seek asylum in Botswana


It has been reported that ten Eritrean footballers are seeking political asylum in Botswana after a World Cup qualifying match that took place between Eritrea and Botswana on 10 October.
According to the Sunday Standard, “[s]ources from within the Eritrean diplomatic service have revealed that Eritrea is piling pressure on Botswana to have the ten players repatriated” with concerns being expressed by the Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) that plans to repatriate are under way.
In response, the EMDHR has hired lawyer Dick Bayford to represent the ten players.Read more


Last month, the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) were launched at the UN in New York. This is the outcome of two years of consultations, lobbying, and debate about what the “post-2015” agenda should look like. This agenda is likely to have far-reaching implications both for development finance and for the promotion of social and economic rights. However, why adopt goals at all? Any systematic effort to answer this seemingly elementary conceptual question has been disturbingly absent. What’s more, not only has this basic question not been answered, what is most striking is that it has hardly been asked.Read more



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