Iraqi women’s determination to play a real role in the process of political reform

The Iraqi Women Network held a national conference in Mosul after the city was recovered by the government, with the participation of women from various cities in Iraq, civil society activists and women who have resisted the culture of violence, exclusion and terrorism during the rule of ISIS.

The conference declaration stresses Iraqi women’s determination to play a real role in the process of political reform "to eliminate the abhorrent sectarian system and combat against corruption, and insuring accountability and no impunity for the criminals or anyone involved in corruption, and building a state of institutions based on respect for human rights and the principles of citizenship and integrity."

The Iraqi Women Network held a national conference in the framework of the National Plan of Action for Resolution 1325, under the title of “Women of Iraq, Makers of Peace and Justice", in the City of Mosul on the 26th of August 2017, in response to its initiative to build security and social peace in Nineveh governorate. The conference was attended by more than 170 participants, mostly young people representing civil society organizations from all over Iraq.

The conference presented live testimonies from the women of Mosul, reflecting their suffering and their ability to confront terrorism and extremism during the control of ISIS terrorist organization of the city.

The conference also presented the vision of Iraqi women in building stability, their role in resolving conflicts and negotiations, building peace and justice, and the promotion of a culture of nonviolence, tolerance, rejection of hatred and discrimination.

The following statement was issued:

“We are a group of women's organizations and civic activists operating within the Iraqi Women Network came to Mosul to express our solidarity with the women of Mosul and to convey a message that Iraqi women are able to be a cornerstone for building peace and achieving justice. Ethnics.

“We emphasize the need to build and strengthen trust among our people, to interact on the basis of citizenship away from sectarian, religion and ethnics, and to address the policies that led to the production of terrorist groups of all their multiple names, which we fear will be re- produced, if the policies and practices of ruling dominant parties continue on the basis of sectarian and partisan quotas.

“We also call for the achievement of transitional justice, not only for the people of Nineveh or other liberated areas, but for all sons and daughters throughout Iraq, by compensating those affected by terrorism and military operations, ensuring the return of displaced people, and the need to implement the national strategies adopted by the Iraqi government, which remained a dead letter, due to the lack of political will to implement them, most notably the National Plan of Action for the  resolution 1325, the Strategy for the Advancement of Women and the Strategy of Anti-violence against Women.

“Today, our stand of solidarity is a cry against all the political and religious forces, who have been disgracefully silent towards the inhuman and degrading violations carried out against Iraqi women and girls; from Ezidis, Christians and Turkmens.

“The participation of women from various cities in Iraq, civil society activists and women who have resisted the culture of violence, exclusion and terrorism during the rule of ISIS terrorist organization of Iraqi cities, at a conference held in Mosul, with all the symbolic meaning of the time and place, is a declaration of Iraqi women’s determination to play a real role in the process of political reform to eliminate the abhorrent sectarian system and combat against corruption, and insuring accountability and no impunity for the criminals or anyone involved in corruption, and building a state of institutions based on respect for human rights and the principles of citizenship and integrity”.

Mosul 26th August 2017

Source: Iraqi Al-Amal Association.

