List of participants
Documents approved by the Assembly:Social Watch. Political Mandate, Strategic Direction and Work Program. 2004-2005
Nature and Mandate of the Coordinating Committee
DocumentsSecretariat report
A political agenda for the Reform of Global Governance
MDGs related documentsThe Millennium Development Goals
A Doha Scorecard: Holding rich countries accountable for Goal 8: The Millennium Development Goals Campaign at the Cancun WTO
The MDG Campaign: Global Petition
UNDP’s Guidance note for Country Reporting on the Millennium Development Goals (Draft, July 2003)
MDG Campaigning at the country level: the Philippines case, by Leonor Briones
MDG Campaigning at the country level: the Philippines case, by Leonor Briones (2)
The Millennium Development Goals and the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, by UN Special Rapporteur Miloon Kothari
Campaigning for the MDGs towards the fulfillment of ESCR: a perspective from Colombia, by Alberto Yepes Palacio
Campaigning for the MDGs towards the fulfillment of ESCR: a perspective from Mexico, by Areli Sandoval Terán
A pilot experience of national MDG Campaigning: El Salvador, by Mario Paniagua
Are the Millennium Development Goals feasible? by Jan Vandermoortele
NGLS Round-Up 105
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