Photo: Deb Ransom, Canada government

A recent report coordinated by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) highlights the sharp decrease in support for women’s issues under the Stephen Harper government, whose Conservative Party's won its first legislative majority since 1988 on Monday, assuring his re-election.

Bahraini Ministers reporting
to the press. (Photo: BNA)

The Bahraini Military Public Prosecution is accusing 24 doctors and 23 nurses, paramedics and administrators who attended victims of the security forces “for their involvement in the recent deplorable unrest”, said the Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment Minister, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Khalifa, on Tuesday.

Gustave Assah

Africa lacks adequate development monitoring and reporting mechanisms, as is shown in the “imbalance” between the usual indexes and the reality, warned the Civic Commission for Africa (C-CfA), representative regional coalition of civil society organisations, at the third TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) Ministerial Follow-Up Meeting, which was held this Sunday and Monday in Senegal.

Ezzaddin Alasbahi, from Yemeni Human
Rights Network, and UN officers.
(Photo: HRITC)

Source: HRITC

The Human Rights Information & Training Center (HRITC) condemned the continued targeting of peaceful demonstrators in Yemen and the use of the armed force against them. This organisation, focal point of Social Watch in the Arab country, reported that a young man had died and five others resulted injured by live bullets the day before in Taiz city.

Source: PNGO

The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) condemned the kidnapping and killing of Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian supporter of the Palestinian cause, in Gaza. This crime was done by individuals who don't represent the Palestinians and their values, traditions, struggle, and cause, said the organisation.



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