Social Watch News

A declaration signed by nearly 200 civil societey organizations, networks and trade unions around the world demand world leaders of the G20 gathering in Seoul, Korea to listen to their citizens instead of to the bankers and urge them to make concrete progress towards the introduction of an internationally coordinated financial transactions tax (FTT).






Alfonso Torres

The 2010 Social Watch Report "After the Fall. Time for a New Deal" was presented before the European Parliament in a Hearing with civil society on 17 November 2010 in Brussels, Belgium.

Two of Social Watch's focal points in Africa: SODNET, from Kenya and Sahringon from Tanzania have come together to share techology tools to monitor elections in Tanzania that took place 31st October 2010. SODNET's experience in monitoring the kenyan referendum on August 4, 2010 with notable results was key to develop the software platform named UCHAGUZI TZ.



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