2018 Synthesis of Voluntary National Reviews

The third annual Synthesis Report of the voluntary national reviews (VNRs) is now available. The report was coordinated by the Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The third annual Synthesis Report of the voluntary national reviews (VNRs) is now available. The 'Voluntary National Reviews 2018: Synthesis Report' synthesizes some of the findings of the 46 VNRs presented at the HLPF in July 2018. The report was coordinated by the Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

It draws from VNR written reports, and examines efforts made by reporting countries to implement the 2030 Agenda, including challenges, gaps, achievements and lessons learned. The report discusses: assessments, strategies and budgets related to the SDGs; institutions for implementing the 2030 Agenda; leaving no one behind; goals and targets; monitoring and data; coherence with regional and global frameworks; stakeholder engagement; awareness raising; and means of implementation. The report represents a rich tapestry of national experiences in implementing the 2030 Agenda, summarizing 46 countries VNR reports as presented to the High-Level Political Forum in July 2018.

The report represents a rich tapestry of national experiences in implementing the 2030 Agenda, summarizing 46 countries VNR reports as presented to the High-Level Political Forum in July 2018. See the report here

