Women working in a rice field in
Palung. (UN Photo/John Isaac)

Gender equity is a key element of any genuine program towards sustainable development. Analysis included on the Social Watch Report 2012 and the national contributions to the study prove, once again, the stagnation of the fight against these disparities, with disastrous consequences on the struggles against poverty, climate change and food security.

Social Watch Report 2012, which includes citizen contributions from 66 countries and several exhaustive global analysis, will be launched in Porto Alegre, Brasil, on 26 January.

Jordanian authorities are planning to abolish the regulation that prevents married women from getting their passports without their husband’s endorsement, a move welcomed by Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU), national focal point of Social Watch.

Civil Status and Passports Department (CSPD) director general Marwan Qteishat said the department is reviewing the 1969 Passport Law, which stipulates that a husband’s consent is needed in order for his wife to obtain a Jordanian passport, reported The Jordan Times.

Mirjan van Reisen

Despite great attention paid to the Arab Spring, a ghastly silence prevails about the largest African ‘open air prison’: Eritrea is so isolated from the outside world that many inhabitants haven’t even heard about the revolutions in Libya or the uprising in Syria, wrote Mirjam van Reisen, founding director of the Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA), a member organization of Social Watch network and based in Brussels.

Photo: Anjo de Batalha/
Creative Commons

Genetically modified mosquitoes created by British company Oxitec are in fact not “sterile”, far from what their manufacturer said: their offspring have a 15 percent survival rate in the presence of the common antibiotic tetracycline, according to a confidential document obtained by three civil society groups, Third World Network, Friends of the Earth US and GeneWatch UK.



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