
Source: US Social Forum
Social Watch organized the strategy session "Economic crisis and opportunities to put people first at home and abroad" to identify emerging opportunities to address the economic and financial crisis in ways that advance human rights, social and economic justice and bridge the domestic and international contexts. The event that took place on 24 June 2010 was part of activities within the US Social Forum held in Detroit.

Several speakers from the Social Watch network and its member and allies intervened during the UN General Assembly hearings with civil society and the private sector in New York last June 14 and 15. The hearings were convened in preparation of the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals that will take place next September.

Source: Third World Network 
Geneva, 21 Jun (Kanaga Raja) - A fundamental problem in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has been the lack of a more inclusive strategy of economic development that could integrate and support its "human development" ambitions, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Source: UN Millennium Campaign
The world is still on track to achieve the Millenium Development Goal (MDG) target of cutting the rate of extreme poverty in half by 2015 says a new report by the United Nations a few months before a major General Assembly meeting in September is to review progress so far. Many countries are moving forward, but unmet commitments, inadequate resources, lack of focus and accountability, and insufficient dedication to sustainable development have created shortfalls in many areas. Some of these shortfalls were aggravated by the global food and economic and financial crises. Download the report (PDF)

Maria José Romero, Social Watch Networking Team

The current economic and financial crisis has led to a reconfiguration in the scenario of power in the world. The Group of 20 (G-20), which is an extended version of the Group of 8 (G-8), proclaimed itself the main forum for international cooperation. However, the measures the group has adopted do not provide real solutions to the many crises assailing the world today.

Natalia Cardona, Advocacy Coordinator, Social Watch

All the Millenium Development Goals are gender related. Lack of progress in achieving them do not just result from the external shocks and crises. It is a result of developed countries not meeting the commitment stated at MDG 8, to create global partnerships around trade, aid and debt and technology transfer. Social Watch advocates for long-term social development policies that truly encompass gender as a key step towards equality and increased human wellbeing.

After the good experience of the three 2009 regional capacity building workshops that took place in Brazil, Morocco and India, there are four new workshops on the agenda of Social Watch for the upcoming months. These meetings will be organized regionally in countries of Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean.

The Summit process is a key opportunity to take stock of which development strategies are actually working and which are not, and what strategic decisions and actions at national and international levels are urgently needed to make decisive progress in the next five years. During the Hearings, Social Watch representatives participated pushing for real changes on financing for development strategies.

In the preparation process of the MDGs+10 Summit, the UN General Assembly held Informal Interactive Hearings with Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and the Private Sector at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 14-15 June 2010 Hearings of the UN General Assembly with civil society organizations took place from 14-15 June 2010 at the UN Headquarters. Social Watch contributed to the previous consultation process[1] and also participated actively in the Hearings and in the side events.

Within the framework of the Hearings of the UN General Assembly with civil society organizations, which took place from 14-15 June 2010 at the UN Headquarters, Social Watch, Third World Network and UN-NGLS organized the “Reforming finance for the MDGs” seminar.



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