SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 119 - February 22, 2013

Issue 119 - February 22, 2013
Social Watch Report 2013

Mexico: Urgent review of the paradigm of development from a rights' approach

A face of urban poverty in Mexico
city. (Photo: Marlon Berlanga)

The 2010 Progress Government Report on the MDGs in Mexico emphasizes that most of the indicators associated with the MDGs and their goals have significantly improved, claiming to have met most of them and anticipating the rest would be met by 2015.

Despite the progress, the report indicates that there is still a long way to go: income inequality and living conditions of poverty and vulnerability in many families still persist.

It is necessary to reduce maternal mortality and consolidate gender equality; the vital challenge of environment and higher economic growth is still unsolved.

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Tanzania: Poverty reduction initiatives continue questionable

Agriculture in Tanzania.
(Photo: dw_globalideas/Flickr)

Tanzania is endowed with abundant natural resources but lacks mechanisms for utilizing them effectively for micro and macro development.

Invitation to foreign and local companies to invest in key economic sectors is yet to yield expected results. For instance, incentives and tax evasions are so high.

The government is therefore urged to diversify the economy and find more viable and alternative sources of revenues for economic development.

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Sri Lanka: Ecological agriculture is the way out of poverty

Tea plantation workers in the 
protest. (Photo: UCANews)

Experiences of farmer organizations and people’s organizations over the last 15 years show that ecological agriculture is a very effective way of overcoming hunger and poverty and of reducing ill health, and ecological destruction caused by conventional chemical farming.

Over a hundred organizations of farmers, fishers, women, plantation workers and industrial workers have struggled in Sri Lanka for a more logical, workable and people friendly approach and strategy for economic improvement, reduction of poverty and hunger and for social justice.

Today they are able to present a very workable alternative approach to the economy and development process in the country.

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Over sixty national Social Watch coalitions around the world are contributing their assessments and reports to the global Social Watch report 2013, under the overall theme of "Ends and Means." The Social Watch network thus joins the current global discussions around a set of Sustainable Development Goals and on a new development framework to be put in place when the MDGs expire in 2015.

The Social Watch national platforms are independent coalitions of civil society organizations struggling for social and gender justice in their own countries. The Social Watch network has been publishing since 1996 yearly reports on how governments implement their international commitments to eradicate poverty and achieve equality between women and men.


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Made possible thanks to the funding and support of Oxfam Novib and the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Social Watch and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of Oxfam Novib and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.

