Members of the new Coordinating
Committee of Social Watch.
(Photo: Social Watch)

Source: Social Watch

Leonor Briones, of Philippines, and Tanya Dawkins, of the United States, were elected as co-chairs of the Coordinating Committee of Social Watch on 16 July, after the network’s Global Assembly, held in Manila last week. The 15 members of this body were chosen in a gender balanced way and represent Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and the Arab region.

Doreen Stabinsky. (Photo:
College of the Atlantic)

Source: Third World Network

The last two rainy seasons did not materialize over a major portion of the Horn of Africa. All of Somalia, and large swaths of Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and northern Uganda are now experiencing their worst drought in sixty years, warned Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics at College of the Atlantic in Maine, United States.

Photo: Social Watch

Source: Social Watch

In its 5th Global Assembly held in Manila last week, Social Watch concluded that “the current growth-led economic model is economically inefficient, socially unjust, environmentally damaging and politically unsustainable”. Thus, it pledged to “challenge the prevailing economic paradigm based on GDP growth worldwide” and to further its contribution to “the development of alternative indicators”.

Social Watch India launched its
latest report. (Photo: SWIndia)

Source: Social Watch India

Most of the 70,000 complaints filed every year at the National Human Rights Commission of India “are against police”, said Dr. K. S.Subramanian, former policeman and author of the report “Social Watch India Perspective Series Vol.:3”, launched last week.

ILO Director-General, Juan
Somavia. (Photo: ILO)

Source: Social Watch

“The current growth model that has evolved since the early 1980s has become economically inefficient, socially unstable, environmentally damaging and politically unsustainable. So it must be changed. But getting there will probably lead to increased social conflict,” said Juan Somavia, ILO Director General, in his message to the Social Watch Global Assembly in Manila.



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