Women's World conference.
(Photo: Elizabeth Littlejohn)

Sources : Xtra!, Care2.com, Rabble.ca.

Globalization has contributed to the destabilization and marginalization of women, but has also meant enhanced communications and organization and atransnational connectivity that must be united asorganizations and networks struggle to sustain themselves and maintain resilience in the face of forces that oppose equality. That became clear at Women's World, the conference in Ottawa that marked the 30th anniversary of the Women's World Congress and that brought together nearly 2,000 international activists, academics and policy makers from 92 countries over five days last month.

High Level Meeting on Youth.
(Photo: UN)

Sources: UN News CentreIPS reportUNDP.

The empowering of young people is becoming a key issue in the speeches of many UN high officers as the International Year of Youth is coming to an end this month. All of them agree that there is much to be done to include young men and women in the development and democratisation processes.

Horacio Verbitsky, President
of the CELS.

Source: CELS.

The Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the focal point of Social Watch in Argentina, has been awarded the Gruber Foundation Prize for Justice. This annual award has been in existence for ten years; it is given to people and organizations in the human rights field in all parts of the world. 

Photo: dsb nola/
Creative Commons

Source: Pew Research Center.

Wealth gaps between ethnic communities have risen to record highs in the United States. The median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black ones and 18 times that of Hispanic families, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

Foto:Sitio de la Cumbre de los

Source: Lívia Duarte’s report for the World Social Forum

Representatives of 150 social organizations and movements from various countries announced in Rio that the Peoples’ Summit will be held in parallel to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), which will take place next year from June 4-6. 



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