Social Watch news

(Photo: Decidamos)

Sources: Centro de Documentación y EstudiosDiario Al DíaDecidamos (Campaña por la Expresión Ciudadana).

One of the “huge mistakes” defended “as great truths” in Paraguay is that businesspeople “pay a lot” to the revenue service while in fact “direct taxation, which is the most unfair, is the largest” and “poor people end up paying more than the rich”, according to a report by economist José Carlos Rodríguez. The report was presented this month at the launching of the programme “Impuestos justos para inversión social” [Fair taxes for social investment] promoted by the 

View of the National Safety Court,
according to the governmental
Bahrain News Agency.

Sources: Bahrain Center for Human RightsInternational Federation for Human Rights.

The National Security Court of Bahrain sentenced this Wednesday to life imprisonment 8 of the 21 activists charged of being linked to supposed “terrorist activities”. The 13 others were sentenced to two to fifteen years’ imprisonment, reported several national, regional and international civil society organisations.

Hannah Stoddart, Policy
Coordinator of the Stakeholder
Forum. (Photo:IISD)

Source: Eurostep

Ahead of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNSCD, or Rio+20) to be held in Rio in June next year, civil society organisations have described the official preparatory processes as being too slow and weak in content. If the conference is to live up to its commitment to achieving sustainable development, a fundamental paradigm shift in the global economic structure is needed, stated Eurostep this week. 

Press conference at the last G8
Summit. (Photo:L. Blevennec/
Presidency of France)

Source: The New Indian Express

While the G20, that includes the rich countries and the emerging ones, is getting more and more relevance, the Arab unrest and the developments in Libya and Syria have given a new meaning and purpose to the Group of Eight (G8) most powerful nations, according to Himanshu Jha, National Coordinator of Social Watch India. In a column published by The New Indian Express newspaper, Jha said that the G20 seems to have "turned into a hotbed of global decision-making" in charge of "the traditional economic agenda". 

Alejandro Aguirre (Congcoop)

Diario de Centroamérica 

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Guatemala is undergoing a crisis and needs additional funds to fulfil its caregiving functions, warned Alejandro Aguirre, coordinator of the Citizen Participation programme of the NGOs and Cooperatives Coordination (Congcoop, national focal point of Social Watch).

According to a study carried out by Congcoop, hospitals had a 1.6 billion quetzal budget (approximately 200 million dollars) last year, amount that was reduced this year to 1.5 billion quetzal (some 188 million dollars). About 300 million additional quetzal (37 million dollars) would be needed to prevent a public health system crisis.  

Climate talks in Bonn.
(Photo: Jon Golinski/UNFCCC)

Climate connections
South Centre

Experts and activists warned this week in Bonn, where another UN conference on climate change took place, that the talks are following dangerous paths. Developing countries are working harder than the rich nations to reduce their carbon emissions, said senior scientist Sivan Kartha, while 125 organizations from all continents urged the governments to renew their commitment to the current international moratorium on geoengineering.

Occupied Palestine blog

The human rights organisation Al-Haq expressed its grave concern about a surge of the violence against the Palestinian population of the West Bank. The arson of a mosque in the village of al-Mghayyer committed by local Jewish settlers last week is part of the ongoing trend, intensified by the impunity, warned this group based in Ramallah and member of the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO, focal point of Social Watch in the occupied territories).


The non-governmental Citizen Participation Forum for Justice and Human Rights (FOCO) accused the Canadian mining company Barrick Gold of violating in Argentina environmental and human health guidelines set by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The Daily Star (Dhaka)
The New Nation

A budgetary plan to cut farm subsidies will frustrate farmers and the sector as a whole, as they still need special care for a few more years, warned this week Khondar Ibrahim Khaled, emeritus fellow of Unnayan Shamannay (national focal point of Social Watch).

Minister for Finance Uhuru Kenyatta.

Sodnet: and

Kenyan citizens will have time until the end of this month to participate in the public discussion of the budget statement delivered to the National Assembly by the Ministry of Finance. The Constitution orders the parliamentary budget committee to process the representations of the people and to take into account their recommendations. The Social Development Network (SODNET, national focal point of Social Watch) has committed itself to play an important role delivering information to the public about the budget in an open fashion.



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